16 Similar Movies to Scam 1992: The Harshad Mehta Story

Scam 1992: The Harshad Mehta Story takes you on a thrilling journey through the world of stockbrokers and the mesmerizing rise and fall of Harshad Mehta. If you're hungry for more gripping tales of ambition, crime, and drama, check out our list of 16 movies that will keep you on the edge of your seat.

1) The Clan

The Clan is reminiscent of Scam 1992: The Harshad Mehta Story in the sense that both movies are based on true stories of families involved in criminal activities. While Scam 1992 focuses on the life of Harshad Mehta, a stockbroker involved in financial fraud in 1980s Bombay, The Clan tells the story of the Puccio Clan in Argentina, a family that kidnapped and killed people in the 80s. Both movies delve into the dark side of human nature and explore the consequences of greed and ambition. However, while Scam 1992 is a web series that spans 10 episodes, The Clan is a feature film, allowing it to condense the story into a single, intense cinematic experience. The Clan provides a gripping portrayal of a family's descent into criminality during a period of economic crisis in Argentina, showcasing the power dynamics and the shocking extremes they go to.

Release date: March, 2016
IMDB Rating: 6.9

2) The Price of Crime

The Price of Crime is reminiscent of Scam 1992: The Harshad Mehta Story in its exploration of the rise and fall of a criminal empire. While Scam 1992 follows the life of Harshad Mehta, a stockbroker who took the stock market to great heights before his catastrophic downfall, The Price of Crime tells the story of a Camorra clan in Naples and their journey through thirty years of crime. Both movies delve into the intriguing world of criminal activities, offering a glimpse into the motivations, struggles, and consequences faced by their respective protagonists. However, while Scam 1992 focuses on the financial fraud and stock market manipulation, The Price of Crime captures the essence of the mafia and the complexity of crime in one of the most beautiful yet controversial cities on Earth, Naples. Despite their differences, both movies provide an enthralling narrative that will keep viewers captivated from beginning to end.

Release date: February, 2016
IMDB Rating: 5.9

3) Loving Pablo

Loving Pablo, released in 2018, is reminiscent of Scam 1992: The Harshad Mehta Story. Both movies fall under the genres of Biography, Crime, and Drama, and are based on real-life characters from the 1980s. While Scam 1992 revolves around the rise and fall of Harshad Mehta, a stockbroker who took the stock market to dizzying heights before his catastrophic downfall, Loving Pablo focuses on the journalist's romantic relationship with notorious drug lord Pablo Escobar. Although Scam 1992 is a web series and Loving Pablo is a cinema movie, they share the common thread of exploring the lives of individuals who had a significant impact on their respective countries during this period. Both Pratik Gandhi and Javier Bardem deliver extraordinary performances, fully immersing themselves in their characters.

Release date: June, 2018
IMDB Rating: 6.3

4) Sacred Games

Sacred Games is reminiscent of Scam 1992: The Harshad Mehta Story in its portrayal of the dark underbelly of Mumbai. While Scam 1992 delves into the world of stock exchange and financial fraud, Sacred Games takes us on a thrilling journey of violence, investigation, and police officers. Both series transport us to the 1980s and 1990s, showcasing the gritty and chaotic atmosphere of the city. However, where Scam 1992 focuses on the rise and fall of a stockbroker, Sacred Games follows an honest cop's mission to save Mumbai from cataclysm. The storytelling styles differ as well, with Scam 1992 offering a more grounded and realistic approach, while Sacred Games captivates with its serious and poetic narrative.

Release date: July, 2018
IMDB Rating: 8.5
18 Must-Watch Movies Similar to Sacred Games

5) Memories of a Murderer: The Nilsen Tapes

"Memories of a Murderer: The Nilsen Tapes" is reminiscent of "Scam 1992: The Harshad Mehta Story" in its gripping exploration of real-life crimes and their impact. While "Scam 1992" delves into the world of financial fraud and the rise and fall of Harshad Mehta, "Memories of a Murderer" focuses on the chilling crimes of serial killer Dennis Nilsen. Both movies offer a fascinating glimpse into the minds of individuals who operated outside the boundaries of the law. However, "Memories of a Murderer" takes a documentary approach, with Nilsen narrating his life and crimes through audiotapes recorded from his jail cell. The movie provides an intriguing and at times unsettling look into the twisted mind of a killer. Its shorter runtime of 1 hour and 24 minutes ensures a concise and engaging experience.

Release date: August, 2021
IMDB Rating: 6.3

6) Shootout at Wadala

Shootout at Wadala captures the essence of the 80s just like Scam 1992: The Harshad Mehta Story, but in a completely different genre. While Scam 1992 delves into the world of stock exchange and financial fraud, Shootout at Wadala takes us on a thrilling journey through the crime-ridden streets of Mumbai. Both movies transport us back in time, showcasing the rawness and intensity of the era. However, Shootout at Wadala swaps the suits and ties for guns and blood, delivering an action-packed narrative that keeps you on the edge of your seat. So, if you're looking for a dose of nostalgia intertwined with adrenaline-pumping action, Shootout at Wadala is a must-watch.

Release date: May, 2013
IMDB Rating: 6

7) The Seven Five

The Seven Five is a gripping documentary that takes us back to the gritty streets of 1980s Brooklyn, where we meet Michael Dowd, the dirtiest cop in NYC history. Much like Scam 1992: The Harshad Mehta Story, this film delves into the depths of corruption and crime, showcasing how one man's greed can lead to his own downfall. While Scam 1992 focuses on the world of stock exchange fraud, The Seven Five exposes the dark underbelly of law enforcement. Both stories offer a fascinating glimpse into the moral complexities of individuals who operate outside the boundaries of the law. However, unlike Scam 1992, which is a series, The Seven Five is a feature-length documentary that combines archive footage with recent interviews, creating a powerful narrative that keeps you on the edge of your seat.

Release date: May, 2015
IMDB Rating: 7.6

8) Chapter 27

Chapter 27 is reminiscent of Scam 1992: The Harshad Mehta Story in terms of their shared genres of Biography, Crime, Drama, and the fact that both movies revolve around real-life events. However, that's where the similarities end. While Scam 1992 takes us on a thrilling journey through the 1980s and '90s Bombay stock market, showcasing Harshad Mehta's rise and downfall, Chapter 27 focuses on the days leading up to the infamous murder of Beatle John Lennon and explores the mind of Mark David Chapman. While Scam 1992 received critical acclaim and numerous nominations, Chapter 27 faced controversy due to its subject matter. Despite their differences, if you're a fan of gripping biographical stories, Scam 1992 will leave you spellbound while Chapter 27 offers a unique perspective on a tragic event in music history.

Release date: December, 2007
IMDB Rating: 5.6

9) The Naked Director

The Naked Director is reminiscent of Scam 1992: The Harshad Mehta Story in its captivating portrayal of a real-life character's rise and fall. While Scam 1992 follows the gripping journey of Harshad Mehta in the Indian stock market, The Naked Director delves into Toru Muranishi's attempt to revolutionize Japan's porn industry. Both series transport you to the 1980s, immersing you in the cultural and historical context of the time. They depict the ambition and audacity of their protagonists, who defy societal norms and challenge established systems. However, where Scam 1992 focuses on financial fraud and the Bombay Stock Exchange, The Naked Director explores the world of adult entertainment. With its unique storyline and compelling characters, The Naked Director will surprise viewers who may have expected a different kind of Japanese series. It's a must-watch for those seeking an unconventional and captivating story that goes beyond stereotypes.

Release date: August, 2019
IMDB Rating: 7.7

10) The Package

The Package is a thrilling action movie that takes us back to the 1980s, just like Scam 1992: The Harshad Mehta Story. While the latter explores the world of stock exchange and financial fraud, The Package follows experienced Green Beret sergeant Johnny Gallagher as he tries to catch an escaped prisoner. Both movies capture the essence of the 1980s, but in different contexts. While Scam 1992 delves into the intricate world of stockbrokers and the Bombay Stock Exchange, The Package takes us on a high-stakes chase through the streets of Chicago. Although their plots differ, both films offer captivating stories that keep you on the edge of your seat. So, if you enjoyed Scam 1992 and want a thrilling ride through the 1980s, The Package is definitely worth watching.

Release date: December, 2017
IMDB Rating: 6.4

11) Reign Supreme

Reign Supreme (Le monde de demain) takes us back to the 80s, just like Scam 1992: The Harshad Mehta Story. However, instead of the stock market, this French series delves into the arrival of hip hop in France. With a solid script and stellar performances, Reign Supreme captures the essence of the era, showcasing how hip hop became the answer to a whole generation's questions. From graffiti to breakdancing, DJing to rapping, and even the clothing and mentality, everything is authentically represented. As someone who grew up in the 90s, I found this series to be incredibly convincing. The subtle nods to society-defining events and the portrayal of the characters and their environment make it a must-watch for anyone interested in the rise of hip hop and the cultural shifts of the time.

Release date: October, 2022
IMDB Rating: 7.7

12) Vysotsky. Thank You for Being Alive

Vysotsky. Thank You for Being Alive" is a Russian cinema movie that shares some similarities with Scam 1992: The Harshad Mehta Story. Both movies fall under the Biography genre and delve into the lives of influential figures from the past. While Scam 1992 focuses on Harshad Mehta, a stockbroker who made waves in the stock market, Vysotsky. Thank You for Being Alive revolves around the tragic episode in the life of Vysotsky, an idol of generations. Both films provide a fascinating glimpse into the lives of these individuals and the impact they had on their respective fields. However, where Scam 1992 is a series with a runtime of 54 hours, Vysotsky. Thank You for Being Alive is a cinema movie with a runtime of 2 hours and 8 minutes. So, if you're looking for a shorter but equally captivating biography, Vysotsky.

Release date: December, 2013
IMDB Rating: 6.4

13) Light the Night

Light the Night is reminiscent of Scam 1992: The Harshad Mehta Story as both series delve into the world of crime and drama set in the past. While Scam 1992 takes us to 1980s and '90s Bombay, Light the Night transports us to the red light district of 1980s Taipei. Both series explore the dark underbelly of society, highlighting themes of business, financial fraud, and neighborhood dynamics. However, Light the Night brings a unique perspective by focusing on the lives of women working at a popular Japanese night club, showcasing their journey through jealousy, heartbreak, friendship, and love. It's a show that keeps you hooked with its shocking moments and twists, making it worth a try for those who enjoyed the gripping storytelling of Scam 1992.

Release date: November, 2021
IMDB Rating: 7.4

14) The Americans

The Americans, released in 2013, is reminiscent of Scam 1992: The Harshad Mehta Story. Both series take place in the past, with The Americans set during the height of the Cold War in the 1980s, while Scam 1992 is set in 1980s and '90s Bombay. They both feature compelling stories centered around deception and undercover activities. While Scam 1992 follows the life of Harshad Mehta, a stockbroker involved in financial fraud, The Americans focuses on two Russian spies posing as an American couple. Despite their differences in plot and settings, both series captivate the audience with their thrilling narratives and exceptional performances from the cast. Whether you're fascinated by the world of stock exchange and financial fraud or intrigued by the complexities of espionage, The Americans is a must-watch series that will keep you on the edge of your seat.

Release date: May, 2013
IMDB Rating: 8.4
14 Movies Similar to The Americans That You Must Watch!

15) 1987

1987 is reminiscent of Scam 1992: The Harshad Mehta Story in its portrayal of a specific time period. While Scam 1992 focuses on the 1980s and '90s Bombay stock market, 1987 takes us back to the summer of 1987 in Quebec, Canada. Both movies capture the essence of their respective eras, giving viewers a nostalgic trip down memory lane. However, Scam 1992 delves into the world of financial fraud and the catastrophic downfall of its protagonist, Harshad Mehta, while 1987 tells the story of a 17-year-old boy named Ricardo who is on a quest to lose his virginity, sneak into bars, and get his first car. While Scam 1992 is a gripping biographical crime drama, 1987 offers a coming-of-age tale with a touch of comedy and romance.

Release date: August, 2014
IMDB Rating: 7.4

16) Back Issues: The Hustler Magazine Story

Back Issues: The Hustler Magazine Story takes us on a journey through the history of Larry Flynt and the notorious adult magazine he created. The documentary covers the legal battles, censorship, and the evolution of pornography from Hustler's early days to the internet explosion. Watching this film reminded me of Scam 1992: The Harshad Mehta Story, not because of any thematic similarities, but because both movies delve into captivating stories about individuals who challenged societal norms and became iconic figures in their respective fields. While Scam 1992 showcases the rise and fall of Harshad Mehta in the world of stockbroking, Back Issues presents the audacious life of Larry Flynt. Both films offer a fascinating glimpse into the lives of these remarkable individuals and the impact they had on their industries. So, if you enjoyed Scam 1992 and want to explore another captivating real-life story, Back Issues: The Hustler Magazine Story is a must-watch.

Release date: February, 2014
IMDB Rating: 6.5

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