17 Other Drama Movies Like Mad Men That You’ll Love!

Mad Men takes you back to the glamorous world of 1960s New York, where the intriguing life of ad executive Donald Draper unfolds. If you're enchanted by the drama, the style, and the mystery of this beloved series, we've got you covered with 20 other drama movies that will captivate you just as much. Get ready to be transported to a world of fascinating characters and gripping storylines that will leave you craving for more.

1) In Darkness

In Darkness takes us into the world of an advertising agency employee who uses his work as an escape from his oppressive mother's influence. While Mad Men explores the glamorous and mysterious world of 1960s advertising in New York, In Darkness delves into the life of an advertising agency employee who seeks solace in his job. Both movies share the common thread of advertising, but In Darkness takes a darker and more thrilling turn with its drama-thriller genre. While Mad Men captivates with its attention to detail, exceptional acting, and intricate plot, In Darkness offers a haunting portrayal of a family torn apart by a devastating secret. While Mad Men may be the go-to choice for fans of advertising and 1960s nostalgia, In Darkness provides a different perspective on the advertising world and is a must-watch for those seeking a gripping drama with a touch of suspense.

Release date: October, 2009
IMDB Rating: 7

2) Trust Me

Trust Me is reminiscent of Mad Men because both shows revolve around the advertising industry. However, while Mad Men focuses on the prestigious ad agency in 1960s New York, Trust Me takes us to the Chicago advertising agency Rothman, Greene & Moore. The main similarity lies in the exploration of the private and professional lives of ad executives, showcasing the challenges they face in their high-pressure jobs. Trust Me brings a different flavor to the table with its emphasis on the dynamic between sucking up to superficial directors and the actual creative work that goes into advertising. With familiar faces in new roles and a fun, appealing storyline, Trust Me promises an enjoyable watch for those craving a fresh take on the advertising industry.

Release date: January, 2009
IMDB Rating: 7.2

3) Your Place or Mine

Your Place or Mine is reminiscent of Mad Men because both movies revolve around the advertising industry. While Mad Men is set in 1960s New York and focuses on the mysterious and talented ad executive Donald Draper, Your Place or Mine explores the difficulties of finding true love in modern-day Hong Kong through the encounters of two advertising executives, Wai and Patrick. Both movies delve into the complexities and challenges faced by individuals working in the advertising world, showcasing the glamorous yet cutthroat nature of the industry. However, the two movies differ in their genres and tones. Mad Men is a drama that delves deep into the personal and professional lives of its characters, while Your Place or Mine is a romantic comedy that combines humor and romance to tell its story. Despite the differences, if you enjoyed Mad Men's exploration of the advertising world, you'll find Your Place or Mine to be a charming and entertaining movie that offers a fresh perspective on the industry.

Release date: September, 1998
IMDB Rating: 6.5

4) The Fighting Temptations

The Fighting Temptations is reminiscent of Mad Men because both involve the world of advertising. While Mad Men focuses on the advertising industry in 1960s New York, The Fighting Temptations takes a comedic approach and follows a New York advertising executive who travels to a small Southern town to collect an inheritance. In both movies, advertising plays a central role in the plot, showcasing the creativity and challenges of the industry. However, the similarities end there. Mad Men is a highly acclaimed drama series known for its superb acting, writing, and attention to detail. On the other hand, The Fighting Temptations is a light-hearted comedy with a musical twist, featuring excellent gospel music. While Mad Men delves into the complexities of the characters and their personal lives, The Fighting Temptations focuses more on creating a gospel choir and the journey to success.

Release date: September, 2003
IMDB Rating: 5.6

5) House of Cards

House of Cards is reminiscent of Mad Men in its captivating portrayal of power dynamics, manipulation, and ambition. Both shows delve into the darker side of their respective worlds: Mad Men explores the cutthroat advertising industry of 1960s New York, while House of Cards delves into the corrupt world of American politics. They both feature complex characters who are willing to do whatever it takes to achieve their goals, whether it's Don Draper's enigmatic charm or Frank Underwood's ruthless scheming. However, House of Cards takes a more overtly political approach, focusing on the manipulation and corruption within the government. It breaks the fourth wall to directly engage the audience, adding an extra layer of intrigue. While Mad Men is set in the past, House of Cards offers a chilling reflection on the present-day political landscape. Despite their similarities, House of Cards' decline in later seasons is a disappointment, as it fails to live up to the brilliance of its earlier episodes.

Release date: April, 2015
IMDB Rating: 8.7
14 Must-Watch Drama Movies Similar to House of Cards

6) Sweet November

Sweet November, released in 2001, is reminiscent of Mad Men, a series set in the 1960s advertising world of New York. Both stories revolve around the lives of individuals who are deeply affected by their relationships. While Mad Men focuses on the mysterious and talented Donald Draper, Sweet November tells the tale of a workaholic executive. In both cases, the protagonists undergo profound transformations as a result of their encounters with unconventional women. The difference lies in the time frame: Mad Men is a series spanning multiple years, while Sweet November condenses the story into a short period. Despite their differences, both narratives skillfully explore the complexities of human connections and the potential for personal growth. So if you enjoyed Mad Men's captivating storytelling and character development, you should definitely give Sweet November a watch.

Release date: February, 2001
IMDB Rating: 6.7

7) Being Nice

Being Nice, much like Mad Men, takes us into the world of advertising. While Mad Men explores the glamorous and cutthroat industry in 1960s New York, Being Nice brings us to a top London advertising agency. Both movies delve into the complexities of the advertising world, showing us the inner workings and the characters that inhabit it. However, where Mad Men is a series that spans multiple seasons, Being Nice is a cinema movie that condenses the story into one film. This allows Being Nice to focus on the journey of a young artist who takes a job in the agency and discovers a newfound enjoyment for life. The movie blends drama and romance, exploring themes of personal and professional growth, while also highlighting the struggles of balancing a carefree lifestyle with responsibilities. With its captivating plot and charming characters, Being Nice offers a fresh and modern take on the advertising world, making it a delightful watch for fans of Mad Men.

Release date: November, 2014
IMDB Rating: 8.7

8) Generation P

Generation P
"Generation P" is a wild ride that takes us through the rise of the advertising industry in Post-Soviet Russia. Just like "Mad Men," this movie explores the world of advertising, but in a completely different setting and with a unique twist. While "Mad Men" focuses on the glamorous ad agencies of 1960s New York, "Generation P" takes us to 1990s Russia, where the advertising industry is just starting to flourish after the fall of the Soviet Union. Both movies dive into the intriguing world of ad executives, but while "Mad Men" captivates us with its mysterious and talented protagonist, "Generation P" delves into the altered state of consciousness of its main character, Vavilen Tatarsky. Through his perspective, we experience the chaos and transformation of Russia's history, influenced not only by the historical events of the time but also by the drugs he takes throughout the movie.

Release date: April, 2011
IMDB Rating: 6.7

9) Chas pik

Chas pik is reminiscent of Mad Men because both movies revolve around the world of advertising. While Mad Men takes us back to the 1960s in New York, Chas pik brings us to modern-day Russia. The main character in Chas pik is a successful advertising specialist who learns that he is sick with a deadly disease, which turns out to be a misdiagnosis. This unexpected turn of events sets in motion a series of changes in his life. Just like Mad Men, Chas pik explores the complexities of the advertising industry and how it impacts the lives of its characters. However, while Mad Men is a drama that delves deep into the personal and professional lives of its characters, Chas pik adds a touch of romance to the mix. Despite their differences, both movies offer captivating storylines and compelling performances that keep you engaged from start to finish.

Release date: June, 2006
IMDB Rating: 6.3

10) Diring

Diring is a black comedy that takes us into the eccentric world of public relations, advertising, commercials, and TV. Just like Mad Men, it delves into the realm of advertising, but with a comedic twist. While Mad Men focuses on the prestigious ad agency in 1960s New York, Diring explores the hypertrophied image in today's society. Both movies touch on the power of advertising and the manipulation of images, but Diring takes a lighter approach, infusing the story with humor. Set in Lithuania, Diring provides a fresh perspective on the world of advertising, making it a worthwhile watch for those who enjoyed the intriguing drama of Mad Men.

Release date: January, 2006
IMDB Rating: 6.5

11) The Death of Alice Blue

The Death of Alice Blue is reminiscent of Mad Men, but with a supernatural twist. While Mad Men focuses on the mysterious world of advertising in 1960s New York, The Death of Alice Blue takes a gothic turn by setting the story in an office run by vampires. Both dramas explore the dark side of the workplace, but while Mad Men dives into the complexities of human behavior and the art of persuasion, The Death of Alice Blue adds a supernatural element that adds an extra layer of intrigue. With its vampire lore and gothic atmosphere, The Death of Alice Blue offers a unique take on the advertising world. So if you're a fan of Mad Men and want to see a fresh and supernatural spin on the office environment, The Death of Alice Blue is definitely worth watching.

Release date: June, 2009
IMDB Rating: 5.7

12) Boardwalk Empire

Boardwalk Empire is reminiscent of Mad Men because both shows delve into the dark and intriguing world of a specific time period. While Mad Men focuses on the advertising industry in 1960s New York, Boardwalk Empire takes us back to the Prohibition era in Atlantic City. Both shows beautifully capture the essence of their respective time periods, showcasing the fashion, culture, and societal norms of the time. However, while Mad Men explores the inner workings of an ad agency and the personal struggles of its characters, Boardwalk Empire takes us into the seedy underbelly of politics and organized crime. The characters in Boardwalk Empire, led by the charismatic Steve Buscemi, navigate a dangerous world where alliances are constantly shifting and violence is never far away. With its gripping storyline and superb acting, Boardwalk Empire is a must-watch for anyone who enjoyed the captivating storytelling and attention to detail of Mad Men.

Release date: September, 2010
IMDB Rating: 8.6
10 Must-Watch Crime and Drama Movies Like Boardwalk Empire

13) The Wire

The Wire: The Wire, similar to Mad Men, is a must-watch series that has garnered immense praise from critics and viewers alike. While Mad Men delves into the glamorous world of advertising in 1960s New York, The Wire offers an unflinching portrayal of the Baltimore drug scene through the eyes of both drug dealers and law enforcement. Both shows share a common thread of exploring complex themes and showcasing outstanding writing and acting. However, The Wire takes this to another level by presenting an entire city, Baltimore, as the focal point of the story. With its abundance of interesting characters and attention to detail, The Wire is a captivating series that will leave you hooked from start to finish. If you're a fan of gripping crime dramas and appreciate compelling storytelling, The Wire is an absolute gem that should be on your must-watch list.

Release date: June, 2002
IMDB Rating: 9.3
11 Must-Watch Movies Similar to The Wire

14) Mad to Be Normal

Mad to Be Normal is reminiscent of Mad Men because both movies are set in the 1960s and explore unconventional characters in their respective fields. While Mad Men focuses on the advertising industry and the mysterious ad executive Donald Draper, Mad to Be Normal delves into the world of psychiatry and follows the renegade Scottish psychiatrist R.D. Laing. Both films provide a captivating glimpse into the era, showcasing the societal norms and challenges of the time. However, there are notable differences between the two movies. Mad Men is a television series, allowing for more in-depth character development and a longer runtime, while Mad to Be Normal is a cinema movie, providing a condensed but impactful portrayal of R.D. Laing's approach to psychiatry. Additionally, Mad Men received numerous awards and critical acclaim, highlighting its exceptional acting, writing, and production, while Mad to Be Normal, although featuring a strong cast, received mixed reviews.

Release date: April, 2017
IMDB Rating: 6

15) Jonny Quest

Jonny Quest, released in 2000, is reminiscent of Mad Men. While Mad Men is a drama series set in 1960s New York, focusing on the mysterious and talented ad executive Donald Draper, Jonny Quest is an animated series from the 60s that follows the Quest family and their bodyguard as they investigate strange phenomena and battle villains around the world. Both shows capture the essence of the 1960s, but in different ways. Mad Men delves into the world of advertising and the complexities of the characters' personal lives, while Jonny Quest takes viewers on thrilling adventures. While Mad Men received numerous awards, Jonny Quest may not have the same level of recognition, but it is a hidden gem that showcases the high caliber of animation from that era. If you enjoyed the 1960s setting of Mad Men and want to explore an action-packed animated series that captures the spirit of the time, Jonny Quest is definitely worth a watch.

Release date: November, 2000
IMDB Rating: 7.8

16) Pudana Last of the Line

Pudana Last of the Line is reminiscent of Mad Men in several ways. Both films are set in the 1960s, showcasing the social and cultural dynamics of the time. While Mad Men explores the world of advertising in New York City, Pudana Last of the Line delves into the life of a Nenets girl in a remote Russian village. Both movies depict characters who find themselves in unfamiliar environments and must navigate through new customs and traditions. However, the similarities end there. Mad Men focuses on the advertising industry and the mysterious ad executive, Donald Draper, while Pudana Last of the Line focuses on the journey of a young girl trying to return to her family. Despite their differences, Pudana Last of the Line offers a unique perspective on the challenges faced by individuals in unfamiliar settings, making it a compelling watch for those who enjoyed Mad Men.

Release date: February, 2010
IMDB Rating: 6.6

17) Chiaroscuro, Baby

Chiaroscuro, Baby is a mesmerizing film that takes you on a journey through the passionate and tumultuous art scene of the 1960s. Reminiscent of the captivating Mad Men, this movie explores the sacrifices one makes for love and ambition. While Mad Men delves into the world of advertising, Chiaroscuro, Baby focuses on the life of an aspiring painter. Both films capture the essence of the era, with their impeccable attention to detail and stylish production design. However, where Mad Men exudes a sense of mystery with its enigmatic ad executive, Chiaroscuro, Baby is more explicit in its exploration of love, sex, and drugs. The compelling plot of Chiaroscuro, Baby revolves around the protagonist's struggle between his seductive girlfriend and a new muse who reignites his artistic passion.

Release date: November, 2009
IMDB Rating: 6.2

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