7 Mind-Bending Mystery Dramas That Will Keep You Guessing

"The Father" is a mind-bending mystery drama that will keep you guessing until the very end. If you loved the suspenseful twists and turns in this gripping film, then you'll definitely want to check out these 7 equally captivating movies. Get ready to question everything as these dramas take you on a thrilling journey that will leave you on the edge of your seat.

1) Slipstream

Slipstream is a peculiar film that takes cues from movies like 8 1/2, Mulholland Drive, and Adaptation, but manages to be quite different from all of them. The most distinctive feature of Slipstream is its editing style, which utilizes every technique known to man in a short span of time. The result is a barrage of perplexing and subliminal imagery that would require multiple viewings to fully decipher. While the editing style is interesting and well executed, it can become tiresome after a while. The cast of Slipstream is superb, with Anthony Hopkins combining seasoned character actors with unknown talents. Hopkins himself has a central role in the film, but surprisingly limited screen time, delivering a subdued performance. He described the film as lighthearted and a poke at Hollywood, although it is far from a comedy. Slipstream is a deeply personal project for Hopkins, who financed it himself when no one else was willing to back such an unusual picture.

Release date: April, 2008
IMDB Rating: 4.8

2) Mamma Gógó

"Mamma Gógó" is a charming and heartfelt drama that explores the personal journey of a film director as he witnesses his mother's disappearance into Alzheimer's disease. This Icelandic film shares similarities with "The Father" in its exploration of dementia and the impact it has on family relationships. Both movies delve into the devastating effects of Alzheimer's, highlighting the struggles faced by both the individuals suffering from the disease and their loved ones. However, while "The Father" focuses on the perspective of the aging man grappling with his changing circumstances, "Mamma Gógó" takes a satirical approach, infusing humor and strong visual style into its storytelling. The film offers a compassionate portrayal of the heartbreaking side of Alzheimer's, shedding light on the destructive impact it can have on families.

Release date: January, 2010
IMDB Rating: 6.5

3) Away from Her

Away from Her is reminiscent of The Father in its exploration of the devastating effects of dementia on a relationship. Both films delve into the emotional turmoil and confusion experienced by individuals grappling with Alzheimer's disease. While The Father focuses on a man who refuses assistance from his daughter and questions the fabric of his reality, Away from Her centers around a husband who watches his wife transfer her affections to another man in a nursing home. Both movies tackle the themes of memory loss and the strain it puts on the bonds between loved ones. However, while The Father takes a more introspective approach, delving into the protagonist's mind as it deteriorates, Away from Her presents a poignant and sensitive portrayal of the husband's struggle to cope with his wife's condition. With its heartfelt performances and thoughtful storytelling, Away from Her offers a compelling perspective on the complexities of Alzheimer's disease and why it is worth watching for anyone seeking a moving exploration of the human experience.

Release date: April, 2007
IMDB Rating: 7.5

4) Remember

Remember. With the aid of a fellow Auschwitz survivor and a hand-written letter, an elderly man with dementia goes in search of the person he believes to be responsible for the death of his family in the death camp to kill him himself. "Remember" shares a thematic similarity with "The Father" in its exploration of memory loss and the devastating effects of dementia. However, while "The Father" focuses on the internal struggles and confusion of the protagonist, "Remember" takes a different approach by intertwining the themes of revenge and learning the truth. This Canadian thriller, directed by Atom Egoyan, captivates the audience with its suspenseful screenplay, expertly acted performances, and taut editing. Christopher Plummer delivers an excellent performance, as always, and the film's runtime of 95 minutes ensures a thrilling and satisfying cinematic experience. "Remember" not only serves as a reminder of the Holocaust but also stands on its own as a self-contained and engrossing thriller.

Release date: October, 2015
IMDB Rating: 7.5

5) Relic

Relic: A daughter, mother, and grandmother are haunted by a manifestation of dementia that consumes their family's home. I've been awaiting the arrival of this film ever since watching the trailer a few weeks ago. It had that depth of darkness and a feeling of realness to it that I look for in a good horror film. Relic explores the subject of dementia in a unique fashion that will pull at your heartstrings, especially for those that have dealt with the illness first hand. The three main actors do a great job of conveying the story and deliver a wonderful performance that will leave you emotionally gripped throughout. Where Relic lacks is in pace. At times, it can be rather dull and long-winded, only finally picking up in the last 1/3rd of the film. However, the climax of the film will have you on the edge of your seat and is easily the best part.

Release date: July, 2020
IMDB Rating: 6

6) The Roads Not Taken

The Roads Not Taken is reminiscent of The Father in its exploration of the complexities of life and the father-daughter relationship. While The Father delves into the devastating effects of dementia and memory loss, The Roads Not Taken takes a different approach by presenting a day in the life of Leo and his daughter, Molly, as he floats through alternate lives he could have lived. This unique perspective allows Molly to wrestle with her own path and consider her future. Both films beautifully capture the emotional journey of their characters, with powerful performances from their respective casts. Anthony Hopkins delivers a devastatingly brilliant performance in The Father, showcasing his range as he transitions from charming and funny to menacing and lost. Similarly, The Roads Not Taken features great performances from Javier Bardem, Elle Fanning, and Branka Katic, who bring depth and authenticity to their roles. While The Father focuses on the deterioration of the protagonist's mind, The Roads Not Taken explores the concept of choices and the impact they have on our lives.

Release date: November, 2022
IMDB Rating: 5.2

7) A Separation

A Separation. Released in 2011, this Iranian drama is reminiscent of The Father. Both films explore the complex dynamics of familial relationships and the impact of a deteriorating parent's condition on the lives of their loved ones. While The Father delves into the depths of dementia and Alzheimer's disease, A Separation examines the difficult decision faced by a married couple: whether to move to another country for the betterment of their child's life or stay in Iran to care for a parent with Alzheimer's. Through their respective plots, both movies invite viewers to question the boundaries of love, responsibility, and sacrifice. A Separation provides a fascinating glimpse into a society often portrayed as monochromatic and distant, leaving a lasting impression of empathy and understanding. So, if you enjoyed The Father and want to explore another thought-provoking tale of family dynamics, A Separation is a must-watch.

Release date: October, 2011
IMDB Rating: 8.3
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